The “green field” of branded offers opens a variety of selection in every corner of the “flat world”. The WOW effect is now universal with a standard of its own in various industries that are influenced from everything that is happening.
How is freedom of choice driving customer experience?
Customers in most industries are not captives, they have an awareness to on-going events around the globe, they are looking to get the best possible bargain based (mostly) on the beliefs of the community they belong to selecting from a wide variety of products. Again, social media as a deep presence in our lives plays a major part here, encouraging consumers to learn, compare and negotiate before they make a deal.
From a business perspective: the days when businesses dominated the narrative and dictated what customers heard and saw from the brand are shifting. Now empowered buyers demand a new level of customer obsession. This means that doing business depends more than ever on exceeding expectations, transforming customers into brand advocates to qualify both the promise and the experience itself.
My conclusions about WOW, CX and Innovation
Many other examples could have been brought in this article to explain the need to create a WOW effect both from the consumer side as well as from the business perspective.
I hope you are persuaded, by reaching back in time and deeper within ourselves, that the fact is that human nature didn’t really change over time. The need to be amazed changed shapes and forms, but the basics stay the same.
From the early days in the Garden of Eden freedom of choice led by curiosity revealed our need to know more, to explore new horizons and to look for something to admire. We came via a long route until we could call it Human Experience, it sums up to our will to experience exciting moments in our lives (personal or at work); this is why Customer Experience is my passion as it answers this basic and unwavering desire.