
CCXP Training Workshop

Bottom Curve


(Start) 10:00

17:00 (End)

(Timezone) CET
6 Hours
539 USD$


The one-day CCXP Exam Preparation Workshop is essential if an aspiring CCXP wants to have the best preparation possible for CCXP accreditation. Each exam re-sit or re-application carries a cost. Attending the workshop can reduce the likelihood of re-applying and make the whole process of becoming a CCXP more rewarding.

Cemantica is proud to be working with Ian Golding, who was the first person in the world to be authorised by the CXPA to teach the CCXP accreditation and has mentored approximately a quarter of all CCXPs globally to date!

Accreditation is provided by the Customer Experience Professionals Association (CXPA).


Who's it for?

For those looking at professional recognition for the work they are doing in CX and have the ambition to become a Certified Customer Experience Professional (CCXP)

The one-day CCXP Exam Preparation Workshop is essential if an aspiring CCXP wants to have the best preparation possible for CCXP accreditation.


Following the participation to the Training Workshop, the delegates will receive sample questions for each competency, step-by-step guide of how to apply to the exam, an access to the exam simulator and the deck used during the training.

What will you learn?

CCXP Exam Preparation Workshop Masterclass includes

  • Understanding 5 CXPA’s six competencies
  • How best to approach the CCXP accreditation assessment
  • The CCXP exam methodology
  • A review of sample questions for each competency
  • CX Continuing Professional Development beyond the CCXP accreditation
  • How to apply for the exam
  • Access to the exam simulator
  • Review of Application

Certified by

In association with Customer Experience Consultancy which is an accredited CXPA Recognized Training Provider (RTP), Cemantica is proud to bring you best practice throughout our Learning program.

The CXPA RTP program identifies providers that have met qualifications deemed essential to providing quality training in line with the CXPA Customer Experience framework.