Journey Implementation

Plan,prioritize and work together in journey management

From insights to impact - prioritize, collaborate and execute CX projects

Cemantica covers the end-to-end Journey Management cycle, transforming your approach beyond journey mapping to Customer Experience design and execution.

Get your Journey Management implementation off the ground by capturing insights, identifying opportunities and ideating solutions to improve CX. 

Then go on to prioritize actions, implement and monitor each Customer Experience project within the same Journey Management platform to ensure everyone is aligned and collaborating in the boundaries of the Journey Operating Model.


Transform customer friction points to improvement opportunities

During your journey mapping process, you will uncover pain points and gains across customer journey stages and interactions, allowing you to understand what to fix and what to do more of, known as Opportunities. In Cemantica it's easy to highlight these in a dedicated Insights lane, you can even customize and color-code lanes to help visualize better.
From the actionable insights gained from your journey maps, you can identify Opportunities and ideate Solutions, prioritize them and coordinate actions and tasks with different stakeholders.

Artificial Intelligence features support the execution of your CX program with Alex, your AI assistant
automatically identifying friction points and trends of key drivers that lead to positive and negative sentiment, suggesting Solutions and customer Opportunities to build into your project plan´s Prioritization Matrix.

Generate Opportunities and Ideate Solutions from Insight with AI

A better way to plan, collaborate and implement Customer Experience projects

Cemantica provides a single Journey Management platform where you can prioritize and manage your CX implementation with ready-to-go Customer Experience project features.

How to implement Journey Management successfully? After you mapped your customer journeys, analyzed your customer sentiment and highlighted Opportunities to improve Customer Experience; you can easily transform into a project plan of tasks with assigned owners, priorities and value to enable the flow of proactive Journey Management.

Working with multiple teams and applications? No problem. With the help of our integrated Connectors, simply connect your own Project Management system (e.g. Jira, etc.) to the platform to sync activities with multiple teams and stakeholders to bridge organizational siloes and get everyone focused on CX.

In addition to your default Workspace, with our Enterprise package you can create as many dedicated Workspaces as you need to allow teams to focus on the personas, maps and projects that are relevant to them.

Collaboration, progress tracking and synchronization is easy. Users can make comments to each other in multiple ways, whether it's directly in the lanes and items in your Journey Maps or via the Comments Center which brings all your notifications and comments together. 

No more lost or duplicated work as everyone works together in a central place for optimal CX management.

How to prioritize projects across journeys and teams

Stop piling up your projects and paralyzing the impact of your Journey management operation. It can be easy to become overwhelmed by the number of insights gained from the journey mapping process. Which is why prioritization tools are important to make the right decisions, use resources wisely and keep aligned with business goals and customer-centric prioritization.

How do you prioritize tasks and outcomes? To help build a roadmap for Customer Experience improvement, Cemantica's Cost / Benefit Analysis matrix helps to prioritize Solutions allowing you to adapt and assign business and customer value; whether they are quick wins and/or strategic opportunities to shape your customer journey strategy.

Be proactive about customer journey design, use this methodology to build different scenarios on what will provide the greatest return on investment (ROI) for consistent Journey Management prioritization.

Within each CX project use a task prioritization model and assign ownership, priority and timings for each action. Cemantica can assist you by organizing a tailored Prioritization Workshop with your team to create a cost/benefit matrix and gain clarity on how to prioritize your projects for implementation.

Contact us for more information.


Journey Management implementation with Cemantica

Achieve a successful journey framework implementation to realize your CX goals with an all-in-one platform dedicated to team collaboration around the CX action plan.


Automatically integrate Journey Mapping insights


Centralize and prioritize CX initiatives in one platform


Build your Journey Management dashboard and list all project tasks


Define quick wins, short, mid and long term initiatives


Help cross-functional and external teams collaborate on customer journey execution


Visualize your project plan by status and date


Communicate in real-time with updates and file sharing


Customize automation workflows to fit your needs

Clare white

Connected CX

Having completed the free trial with Cemantica, choosing to progress with the platform was such an easy decision. The user experience is so good, it's easy to use, intuitive and gives a business everything it needs to manage its customers' experience from end to end.

Clare White